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API Keys

API Keys authorize access to the API and must be included with every request. There are two types:

  • Paid API Keys (starting with key_...)
  • Free API Keys (starting with ckey_..., where c stands for cryptographic)

Creating a New API Key

To obtain a paid API Key, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for an account in the ALTCHA App at for EU customers, or for US customers.

  2. After registration, create a new project.

  3. Open the newly created project and go to the project settings:

  4. Click “Create API Key,” set a name, and click “Save.”

Configuring API Keys

When creating a new API Key, you’ll see several configuration options:

  • Name: A custom name to help identify the key.
  • Secret: A key secret for cryptographic verification, randomly generated by default.
  • Rate Limit: An optional rate limit applied to all requests authenticated with this key.
  • Referrer Domains: An optional list of allowed domain names. Enter one domain per line. For non-standard ports, format as <domain>:8080.
  • Features: Enable specific features for this API Key.

Rate Limits

You can configure custom rate limits for each API Key, expressed as requests per interval (<requests>/<interval>). For example:

  • 100/120s: Limits to 100 requests per 120 seconds.
  • 100/10m: Limits to 100 requests per 10 minutes.
  • 10/1h: Limits to 10 requests per 1 hour.
  • 10/1d: Limits to 10 requests per day.

Leaving the Rate Limit field empty will allow unlimited requests, but global rate limits will still apply.


Each API Key must have at least one feature selected. Only the selected features will be accessible with the key.