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HTTP Processor (Webhooks)

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The HTTP Processor allows you to send form data to your own APIs using an HTTP request, also known as webhooks.

Add HTTP Processor

  1. Navigate to the form’s Processors tab.
  2. Click Add Processor and select Send to HTTP.
  3. Configure the required fields and click Apply.


  • Description: Optional description of the processor to help you identify it in the list.
  • URL: The full URL (including the protocol, e.g., https://) where the request will be sent.
  • HTTP Method: Select the HTTP method to use.
  • Content Type: Select the data encoding format, which defaults to JSON.
  • HTTP Headers: Optional extra headers, with each header on a new line.
  • Terminate on Failure: Whether to terminate the submission processing if the request fails and return an error to the user.


The timeout for the server response is set to 15 seconds.


If the server returns a status code >= 500 or in case of a request timeout, the request will be retried once after a delay of 5 seconds.